Zimbabweans Must Stay in SA – They’re Vital for Our Economy: DA’s Helen Zille Urges Regularisation

 Zimbabweans Must Stay in SA – They’re Vital for Our Economy: DA’s Helen Zille Urges Regularisation


Helen Zille, the Chairperson of the Democratic Alliance (DA), has sparked a buzz on social media after a video of her voicing her opposition to the expulsion of Zimbabweans holding Zimbabwe Exemption Permits (ZEP) emerged on social media.

DA Chair Zille Advocates for Regularizing Status of Zimbabweans in South Africa
In an old video footage, Helen Zille contended that Zimbabweans should have their stay in South Africa regularised due to their significant contributions to the country’s economy.

Zille’s comments come amid increasing debates on immigration policies in South Africa. She stressed that the South African government should provide illegal immigrants with the opportunity to regularise their status, highlighting the potential economic benefits of such a policy.

“Many Zimbabweans in South Africa are highly skilled and contribute immensely to our economy,” Zille stated.

Zille Opposes Revoking Zimbabwean Permits, Calls for Comprehensive Immigration Reform

She argued that they can’t just take away the ZEP permit from them. She revealed that this is not something that they support or believe in.

Helen Zille pointed out that an inclusive approach towards immigration could attract skilled foreign workers and entrepreneurs, bolstering economic growth.

Zille cautioned against populist rhetoric, arguing that resolving the immigration issue is a complex and time-consuming process that requires a comprehensive, long-term solution. She emphasized that there is a need for proper laws, proper border patrols and the need to build state capacity without corruption.

When asked if they are going to kick out Zimbabweans, she said that they are not going to go around rounding up people like concentration centres. She emphasized that they have to fix the system first.

Helen Zille stated that addressing immigration effectively necessitates thoughtful policies rather than reactionary measures.

Helen Zille’s Stance on Zimbabwean Immigrants Divides Public Opinion
Helen Zille’s remarks have sparked a flurry of diverse reactions on social media. Her approach has been widely welcomed by Zimbabweans, who see it as a positive step towards stability and recognition of their contributions.

However, many South Africans have expressed opposition, arguing that Zille’s stance effectively supports an open border policy.

1 comment:

  1. If It is genuine, @DA should answer the following

    1. why isn't the DA lifting sanctions against the EFF after labelling them enemy number one? What DA is now saying has been public policy of the EFF since its inception over 10years ago but DA never once publicly protected zimbabweans let alone valunarable African migrant workers against 'the economy' which now leads to my next question
    2. Why only now? Could it be because of the emergence of MKP led by another progressive JZ and the thread he is now imposing on the DA's official oposition status nationally same way as Malema did?
    3. If statements made by Zille in the article are about truly protecting and or an improvement of Zimbabweans working conditions in SA, so why hasn't the DA publicly condemned the George building constructuon collapse and called for the arrest of the white owner who killed our people at least?
    4. Does Ms Zille have the genuine intend upon zimbabweans only and or will further set the wheels turning to have mater formally tabled going forward as new policy within the DA to protect valunarable black foreign migrants? If so
    5. Why narrow her debate only on a ZEP dispute and not broaden the scope to include all Africans? As DA is so ably doing for years on behalf of privileged white migrants?
    6. If this whole review by home affairs leads to no choice but amnesty(constitutional democracy - south africa belong to all that live in it - since the enabling state would be accused number1-self cleansing), and like white migrans all African migrants start enjoying all the elaborate privileges of SA labour laws, wouldn't this be the real thread to the pale white economy (which till this day continues to run on the back of black slavery)that the DA is ever protecting?
    7. Can zimbabweans accept this one sided 'struggle' support by the establishment at expense of all other people of African descend residing in South African as the article presumes?



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